Started out for a class, now its a place to talk about anything i feel like.

Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Life after grad school...Picking a candidate...

So after a nice vacation from blogging, i'm back. Not sure where this blog may lead me, but I thought I would maintain a blog of misc. things that intrest me. Today I want to talk about . This is a site dedicated to identifying individual intrests and matching those to the current candidate platforms. This site is different in that into goes more depth when looking into the big ticket items such as tax reform, immigration and the death penalty. First you allocate "points" into which issues you believe are most important. The second part is about 10 questions on how you either oppose or support various issues. The questions are worded in a neutral and unslanted (if thats a word) way as well. Then you submit your results. This whole process took less than 5 mintues. It then tells you how close you were to matching current platforms on either the democratic or republican side. It also has quotations from public sources on speeches or campaign promises that are telling of where the candidate stands.

Personally, I get tired of the primaries. While its a monumental time in American history, I find that listening to speeches aimed at gathering the most support rather dull and predictable. Sure they are going to say what you want to hear, sure they will contradict themselves and go for the jugular when confronting their competition. I just wish it wouldn't invade my TV time at night (thank GOD for DVR). I am not politically apathetic, yet I save my energy for voting when my time comes.

I won't even reveal which party I support because I'm annoyed at how devisive that statement can be. I just listen to others rant and rave and post stupid stickers on their cars. Again, i'm not apathetic, but I don't think Americans as a whole need yet another reason to hate each other.

So in turn, I encourage everyone who reads this (the few of you who know this blog exists) to go to this site , figure out who best fits your beliefs and keep it to yourself ha! Just kidding, if you must idenify your party affiliation through bumper stickers and cheesy pins, I won't hold it against you.


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Day 1 in Second Life

Technically, this isn't Day 1 since i've used Second Life before. For the purposes of IN SC 539, however this is Day 1. My Avatar, "ilike kungfu" took her maiden journey into Second Life. I, or rather ilike, embarked on a mission to complete all the tutorials, learning how to chat, use inventory, fly, and move. Initially, I presumed this would be a quick trip, however I ran across someone who wanted to chat, Recon2 (last name protected). Recon2 had been here before as a different avatar. Clad in a Birthday hat and carrying an Ax, I didn't believe Recon2 was a "friendly" avatar, but i was mistaken. He (I'm presuming the person behind the avatar is a male) took me on a hike though orientation island, meeting all the gods. Insightful indeed, leaving second life for the "first" time was hard, no idea what Day 2 and beyond has in store for me!