Started out for a class, now its a place to talk about anything i feel like.

Sunday, September 16, 2007

Group Project

For our group project, we are going to tackle wiki's. Focusing on wikipedia, corporate wiki's and one other we as a group haven't identified yet. I'm in a group with Dave Weber and Mike Current. We haven't selected a name for our group yet either.

In other news, my beloved Mac crashed today, i'm starting over technically with my case study and will not be able to get into second life this week, unfortunately. I should have my new harddrive by friday.

For the Case study, I'm a bit confused about the question that relates to business model. Technially when Zuckerburg started facebook, he had no business model. He was just creating a social utility. Now he relys on venture capitalists that align with his goal of improving the facebook product and working to expand the capability of social networks around the world.

1 comment:

Mike Current said...

We may also want to consider video teleconferencing as a possible topic. It has definite applicability to what we do at work and might provide a topic w/ three clearly distinct points for research.

Day 1 in Second Life

Technically, this isn't Day 1 since i've used Second Life before. For the purposes of IN SC 539, however this is Day 1. My Avatar, "ilike kungfu" took her maiden journey into Second Life. I, or rather ilike, embarked on a mission to complete all the tutorials, learning how to chat, use inventory, fly, and move. Initially, I presumed this would be a quick trip, however I ran across someone who wanted to chat, Recon2 (last name protected). Recon2 had been here before as a different avatar. Clad in a Birthday hat and carrying an Ax, I didn't believe Recon2 was a "friendly" avatar, but i was mistaken. He (I'm presuming the person behind the avatar is a male) took me on a hike though orientation island, meeting all the gods. Insightful indeed, leaving second life for the "first" time was hard, no idea what Day 2 and beyond has in store for me!