Started out for a class, now its a place to talk about anything i feel like.

Monday, October 15, 2007


Mister J said...

Why is Wikipedia so great? It is based on "subject experts" who cannot be verified. I have a trust issue with that. Do you believe that wikis can be controlled to produce quality, accurate information?

melissa_persaud said...

Mister J: wiki's are only as good as its contributions. With that that said, there are lots of people with trust issues and so the usage of wiki's in the workplace needs to be accompanied with a culture of accountability. Think of using a wiki on a program as a source of centralized information sharing. Meeting notes can be captured, discussions and disagreements can be documented. Instead of thinking of it as a quality control nightmare, I would say think of wiki's as an electronic fly on the wall capturing information, and updating things as they evolve (as the often do).

Day 1 in Second Life

Technically, this isn't Day 1 since i've used Second Life before. For the purposes of IN SC 539, however this is Day 1. My Avatar, "ilike kungfu" took her maiden journey into Second Life. I, or rather ilike, embarked on a mission to complete all the tutorials, learning how to chat, use inventory, fly, and move. Initially, I presumed this would be a quick trip, however I ran across someone who wanted to chat, Recon2 (last name protected). Recon2 had been here before as a different avatar. Clad in a Birthday hat and carrying an Ax, I didn't believe Recon2 was a "friendly" avatar, but i was mistaken. He (I'm presuming the person behind the avatar is a male) took me on a hike though orientation island, meeting all the gods. Insightful indeed, leaving second life for the "first" time was hard, no idea what Day 2 and beyond has in store for me!